Fire Risk Assessments

From 1st October 2006 The “Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force & replaced the Fire Brigades “Fire Certificates” with Fire Risk Assessments.

Fire Risk Assessments

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies to all non-domestic premises in England and Wales, including the common parts of blocks of flats and requires that the responsible person provides a “suitable and sufficient” Fire Risk Assessment

The idea simply put is to carry out a “Safety Assessment” of your building & will take into consideration the following;

  • Building Layout & Height
  • Any Sleeping Risks
  • Life Safety Equipment
  • Electrical & Gas Installations
  • Employees & Training
  • Identifying Hazards & Risks
  • Cooking Equipment, Heating & Ventilation

The objective is simple – The idea of the Fire Risk Assessment is to remove the Risk from the building & the Employees/Residents.

Most Building Insurers will ask for a Copy of these documents or recommend these are carried out regularly.

Do I need to have a Fire Risk Assessment carried out?

The law applies to you if you are:

  • If you have 5 or more Employees
  • Responsible for business premises
  • An employer or self-employed with business premises
  • Responsible for a part of a dwelling where that part is solely used for business purposes
  • A charity or voluntary organisation
  • A contractor with a degree of control over any premises
  • Providing accommodation for paying guests
  • Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the responsible person must carry out a fire safety risk assessment and implement and maintain a fire management plan.

For further information to see if you require a Fire Risk Assessment follow the links for further information –




At South East Fire & Vent we carry out the Fire Risk Assessments in accordance with PAS79, which is the only Insurer & Fire Brigade approved document & for the end user it is easy to read & understand. We carry out PAS79 Fire Risk Assessments across Essex, Kent, Suffolk, East Sussex and Hertfordshire

At South East Fire & Vent we are able to carry out Fire Risk Assessments across Essex, Kent, Hertfordshire, East Sussex and Suffolk in accordance to PAS 79

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For Independent advice on Life Safety Systems within Essex, Kent, Herts, East Sussex, Suffolk, Surrey & London, please get in touch.